This article explains how to define the callback number and endpoint billing address for emergency services by creating an Endpoint.

To enable call back numbers to be programmed, the initial task is to add an emergency endpoint for each domain. If multiple callback numbers are needed for various sites or locations within a single domain, setting up multiple Emergency endpoints for each location is necessary.

This is different than an emergency address, and a DLR E911 Endpoint has two primary uses:

  • Provides an Endpoint ID (also known as call back number), which is the unique identifier a carrier needs to route emergency calls. When user e911 address are added, the Endpoint ID is referenced in the Emergency Caller ID field.
  • Provides a Billing Address separate from any other address so the carrier knows who to bill. This address is not the location that the emergency services will respond to, it is only the billing address for any calls using that carrier's endpoint id.  

Add an Endpoint

New endpoints are added to the portal through the Emergency Endpoint section in Inventory. The billing address will be verified and both the endpoint ID (which will be the caller ID) and the billing address will be sent to the configured 3rd party carrier.

  1. Open the Portal.
  2. Navigate to Inventory > Emergency Endpoints
  3. Click the Add Endpoint button. This will bring up the Add endpoint screen:

Complete the Add Endpoint screen:

  1. Add the Call Back Number, this will act as the Endpoint ID and will need to be the emergency caller ID for the users/devices that are to use this endpoint.
  2. Enter a new address meant for billing purposes, or select an existing address.
  3. If entering a new address, click the Validate button. The address must be validated before saving.

Set the Emergency Caller ID for All Users to a Newly Created Endpoint

Once you've created an Endpoint, you will need to apply the Emergency Caller ID to all users so the system can use this unique identifier to send SIP Invites to the proper endpoint. This can be done by hand (see section below), but the best practice is to use the provided tool to set the newly created endpoint to all users at the same time.

To set the Emergency Caller ID to all users in a domain:

  1. Navigate to  Inventory > Emergency Endpoints and find the endpoint you would like to apply to the domain's users.


    If you are logged in as an Office Manager, all the users in the domain will be updated. If you are logged in as a Site Manager, all the users of the Site you manage will be updated.
  2. Click the Apply Endpoint button to the right of the selected Endpoint.
  3. After confirmation, this modifies all users in that domain, setting their emergency caller ID to user that endpoint.

Set the Emergency Caller ID for Individual Users or Devices to a Newly Created Endpoint 

This provides a way to optionally update the Emergency Caller ID for individual users or devices for clients who do not wish to apply it on a Domain or Site wide level. 

  1. Navigate to either a user's profile or a specific device and under the Emergency Caller ID dropdown select the Call Back Number created in the previous step. Here is an example of setting in a user's profile page:

  2. Click Save